The Best Spanish Interpreting Courses Blog Learn How To Speak Spanish Through These Easy Steps

Learn How To Speak Spanish Through These Easy Steps

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These easy steps can get you closer to speaking fluent in the spanish language.

Whether you are in The U.S, Mexico, Spain or anywhere in the world, this should facilitate your abilites to speak the language.

  1. Lets Get You started on the level of spanish you are in. Lets taylor your spanish interpreting courses to your needs.
  2. Lets implement the practice you need week per week and implement the type of vocabulary that is taylored to your level.
  3. Start picking up the level of books and material that will help you in your vocabulary level.
  4. One on one sessions that will help guide you to the next level or correct you if you are not speaking spanish right.

Lets get you started right way.

Basic questions that everyone should know in both languages

Preguntas basicas que todos deberian saber in ambos lenguajes.

  1. ¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?)
  2. ¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)
  3. ¿Dónde vives? (Where do you live?)
  4. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? (What do you like to do in your free time?)
  5. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? (What is your favorite food?)
  6. ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? (Do you have any brothers or sisters?)
  7. ¿Qué te gusta más, el verano o el invierno? (What do you like more, summer or winter?)
  8. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (What is your favorite color?)
  9. ¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? (What is your favorite animal?)
  10. ¿Qué quieres ser cuando seas grande? (What do you want to be when you grow up?)
  11. ¿Cómo estás hoy? (How are you today?)
  12. ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado? (What did you do last weekend?)
  13. ¿Cuál es tu materia escolar favorita? (What is your favorite school subject?)
  14. ¿Tienes alguna mascota en casa? (Do you have any pets at home?)
  15. ¿Qué juegos te gustan jugar? (What games do you like to play?)

Study the following words just to start.

Click here for flash cards.

LEVEL 1 Practice Words

  1. Hola – Hello
  2. Adiós – Goodbye
  3. Por favor – Please
  4. Gracias – Thank you
  5. De nada – You’re welcome
  6. Sí – Yes
  7. No – No
  8. ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
  9. Bien – Good
  10. Mal – Bad
  11. ¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?
  12. Me llamo – My name is
  13. ¿Dónde está? – Where is?
  14. Aquí – Here
  15. Allí – There
  16. Hoy – Today
  17. Mañana – Tomorrow
  18. Ayer – Yesterday
  19. Casa – House
  20. Perro – Dog
  21. Gato – Cat
  22. Comida – Food
  23. Agua – Water
  24. Amigo – Friend
  25. Familia – Family
  26. Escuela – School
  27. Trabajo – Work
  28. Libro – Book
  29. Tiempo – Time
  30. Feliz – Happy

For more practice exercises please stay tuned or reach out to me for more.

Para mas practica y ejercicios mantente al tanto o comunicate conmigo.

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